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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


The Difference Between Armed Carjacking and “Normal” Carjacking

By Foley & Wilson |

In Florida, there is a clear difference between carjacking and armed carjacking. While both crimes are serious offenses in the Sunshine State, courts heighten penalties whenever firearms or deadly weapons are involved. If you face carjacking charges in Fort Myers, you should know that the consequences may be much higher if prosecutors can prove… Read More »

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Can You Be Arrested for Starting a Small Fire in Florida?

By Foley & Wilson |

Even if you start a very small fire, you may still be charged with arson in Fort Myers. The definition of arson is quite broad in Florida. Sentences vary based on not only the size of the fire, but also the specific circumstances of the incident. For example, you might face a serious sentence… Read More »

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What Happens if a Police Officer Forgets to Read You Your Rights in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

If you have never been arrested before in Florida, you may be completely unaware of a concept called “Miranda Rights.” That being said, most people are vaguely aware that police officers must “read you your rights” before placing you under arrest. You might have seen this in TV shows and movies, with one of… Read More »

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Tax Mistakes: When Do They Become Illegal in Florida?

By Foley & Wilson |

In Florida, there is a clear difference between making a mistake on your tax return and committing tax fraud. A simple mistake can usually be rectified by paying a financial penalty to the IRS. If you pay what you owe within an acceptable period of time, you are unlikely to face incarceration. If you… Read More »

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Selling Fake Jewelry in Florida: What Are the Consequences?

By Foley & Wilson |

Fraud can occur in many ways, and perhaps the oldest example in human history is selling fake jewelry. Before our digital economy, trade revolved around the exchange of precious metals, jewels, and similar valuables. Although the most serious fraud today occurs across the digital banking system and the blockchain, you still face serious consequences… Read More »

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Penalties for Attacking Foreign Embassies in Florida

By Foley & Wilson |

Recently, a man from Florida faced serious penalties for attacking a Chinese embassy. What happens if you commit a crime like this? Which country has jurisdiction, and which laws apply? These are perhaps rare questions in the world of criminal defense, as few people will ever attempt to attack such a closely guarded installation…. Read More »

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Naples Stabbing: Man Claims He Was Defending His Daughters from “Harassment”

By Foley & Wilson |

 A recent stabbing in Naples has raised questions on when – and how – a father is legally justified in defending his teenage daughters. A man was taken into custody after allegedly using deadly force against a man who allegedly “harassed” his daughters. Independent witnesses seem to corroborate the father’s story – but is… Read More »

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The Dangers of Losing Your Cool During a Criminal Trial in Florida

By Foley & Wilson |

It is all too easy to “lose your cool” during a criminal trial in Florida. Although your criminal defense lawyer might instruct you to sit quietly and respect the court at all times, emotions often run high during these trials. It may be particularly difficult to restrain yourself if you’re facing a serious sentence…. Read More »

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The Importance of Your Appearance During a Criminal Trial in Fort Myers

By Foley & Wilson |

At first, your appearance may seem like an extremely minor detail in your overall defense strategy. However, it is important to remember that your fate will likely be decided by a jury of your peers. These are average Fort Myers residents – people who may take first impressions very seriously. It could be easier… Read More »

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What Happens if You Make an Online Threat in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

Making an online threat is one of the most serious offenses you can commit in the digital world. Even though these threats might not be made in person, they can still elicit a strong response from the criminal justice system. In particular, juveniles who make threats against their schools face serious consequences. What exactly… Read More »

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