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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Will I Go to Prison for Causing a Fatal Accident in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

If you have caused a fatal accident in Fort Myers, a number of questions may be running through your mind. Perhaps the most notable concern is simple: Will I go to prison? The answer to this question depends entirely on your unique circumstances. To discuss these circumstances in more detail, it may make sense… Read More »

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Florida’s 10-20-Life Law Explained

By Foley & Wilson |

If you’re facing firearm-related charges in Fort Myers, you should take a moment to understand Florida’s “10-20-Life” laws. Although you might have heard about these laws, you may not be clear on how they may affect your unique situation. While internet research can certainly provide insights, it often makes sense to consult directly with… Read More »

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How Effective Are Character Witnesses in Florida Criminal Defense Trials?

By Foley & Wilson |

Although criminal trials revolve around facts and logic, they may also trigger emotional responses. Jurors may feel sympathetic toward a defendant with a warm personality and a history of altruism. In contrast, jurors may become less sympathetic toward defendants who are cold, remorseless, and notoriously cruel. A criminal defense attorney in Fort Myers can… Read More »

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What Charges Can I Face for Road Rage in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

Traffic incidents can easily spiral out of control. Most people commute for hours each week, experiencing infuriating near misses along the way. At a certain point, even the calmest drivers will snap. At this point, you may engage in various acts that fall under the general category of “road rage.” But road rage is… Read More »

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Alleged Fort Myers Drug Traffickers Arrested in “Operation Miller Time”

By Foley & Wilson |

In April of 2024, NBC News reported that nine alleged drug dealers in Fort Myers had been arrested in a multi-agency crackdown dubbed “Operation Miller Time.” These individuals are facing serious prison time, and the authorities are celebrating this as a major victory in the so-called “War on Drugs.” However, it is important to… Read More »

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Getting Permission to Travel with Pending Federal Charges in Florida

By Foley & Wilson |

Most defendants assume that it is impossible to travel while facing federal charges in Florida. However, this is not always the case. With help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Naples, you can get permission to leave the county or state. This might be necessary for business, family reasons, or simply to take… Read More »

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Defenses to Unwanted Sexual Touching Allegations in Fort Myers

By Foley & Wilson |

Sexual battery is one of the most common sexual crimes that you may face in Fort Myers, and often these charges are completely fabricated. Even if you face false accusations, however, you must still approach sexual battery in a serious, efficient way. If you’re not careful, this charge could affect your reputation, friendships, career,… Read More »

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Are Offenses at Florida Airports Automatically Federal Crimes?

By Foley & Wilson |

As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Florida is home to numerous busy airports. Anyone who has traveled by plane will tell you that airports can be some of the most stressful locations on the planet. Long lines, intrusive security protocols, and endless delays can all cause people to act… Read More »

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DeSantis Discusses Stricter Penalties for Shoplifting and Porch Piracy

By Foley & Wilson |

If you shoplift or steal from porches in Fort Myers, it could be much easier to face felony charges within the next few months. Governor DeSantis is supporting legislation that would heighten penalties for these crimes, and this is a clear response to rising retail theft in the Sunshine State. Even if you feel… Read More »

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How Can Prosecutors Prove You “Tagged” a Building in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

Graffiti is perhaps the most common form of vandalism in Fort Myers, although many disagree with this label. To the artists behind graffiti, they are legitimate artists exercising their freedom of expression – not vandals. Unfortunately, authorities and prosecutors in Fort Myers don’t quite see graffiti in the same light – and you face… Read More »

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