Monthly Archives: December 2024

Florida Woman Arrested for Saying Three Words to Insurance Representative
The assassination of a major insurance CEO has highlighted underlying tensions across the nation. It has also sparked a considerable response from law enforcement agencies, who now take threats against insurance representatives much more seriously. After an incident like this, authorities generally become concerned about “copycat” attacks, and this could lead to a stronger… Read More »

Naples Police Officer Questioned in Mayor’s DUI Case
No one is above the law, and anyone can face DUI charges in Naples. A recent case shows that even the mayor is not immune to these charges, and it is making headlines for obvious reasons. Celebrities, politicians, and other public figures are more vulnerable to criminal charges, as they have to worry about… Read More »

What Happens When You Ask Someone to Shoplift for You in Fort Myers?
Shoplifting in Fort Myers is one thing, but what if you merely ask someone else to shoplift on your behalf? This type of situation is more common than many people realize, and there are numerous “shoplifting rings” operating in the Florida area. If you participate in this shoplifting industry, you face serious consequences. As… Read More »

Domestic Violence by Strangulation: How Is It Different in Fort Myers?
Domestic violence can occur in many different ways. As a result, there are different types of domestic violence charges in Florida, and defendants who face these charges should become familiar with the details of their specific alleged offenses. One example is “domestic violence by strangulation,” which is one of the most serious types of… Read More »

Penalties for Stealing Pets in Fort Myers
Pet ownership is rising in the United States, and more people these days want an animal to call their own. The only issue is that sometimes acquiring a pet can get a little expensive. What happens if you simply steal an animal? What kinds of consequences could you face? Is this the same as… Read More »

What Are My Rights in a Hospital After a Fort Myers DUI?
After many DUI accidents, defendants find themselves quickly transported to the nearest hospital. Even if the defendant suffered minor injuries, first responders may be cautious about their condition. Although transport to a hospital is certainly better than transport to the nearest jail, DUI defendants in Fort Myers should still be mindful of their rights… Read More »

Prostitution Defense Strategies in Fort Myers
Prostitution has been described as the oldest profession in the world. Although there are laws against it in Florida, sex workers will likely continue to operate in our society for as long as humanity exists. If you were accused of prostitution in Fort Myers, you might be wondering about potential defense strategies. How can… Read More »

What Happens if You Reach for an Officer’s Gun During an Arrest in Naples?
A physical altercation with a police officer is a daunting situation. During this interaction, you may fear for your own life – and it might be difficult to think clearly. Faced with a “fight-or-flight” reaction that is difficult to control, you might find yourself reaching for the officer’s holstered firearm. What kinds of consequences… Read More »