Monthly Archives: November 2024

Consequences of Putting a Tracking Device on Your Ex’s Car in Fort Myers
After a breakup, many take drastic measures in an attempt to keep the relationship alive. Some of these attempts may be admirable, while others are inadvisable. In fact, it is deceptively easy to commit various offenses after a breakup, and perhaps the most obvious example is stalking. What happens if you put a tracking… Read More »

Should I Tell My Defense Lawyer About Crimes in Naples?
Many people might be reluctant to work with criminal defense lawyers in Naples for various reasons. Some might hesitate to discuss certain topics – including crimes they may or may not have committed. Should you really discuss your alleged offenses with a criminal defense lawyer? What exactly is the “client-attorney privilege?” You Can Discuss… Read More »

Florida’s New Theft Penalties Explained
In October of 2024, various new laws will go into effect in Florida. One of these new laws involves retail theft, and it creates new felony penalties for so-called “smash-and-grabs.” If you commit this offense after October 1st, you could face much more serious consequences. However, the same defense strategies still apply to these… Read More »

Unpacking Florida’s New Penalties for Exposing First Responders to Fentanyl
Florida has taken a tough stance against fentanyl, and some of the state’s newest laws target users rather than the distributors of this drug. A prime example is SB 718, which creates serious penalties for anyone who exposes first responders to fentanyl. If you face this charge, you may want to get in touch… Read More »

Charged With Looting After Hurricane Helene: What Are My Options?
Looting is something that the State of Florida takes very seriously, and local law enforcement has considerable experience with this offense. Communities have seen plenty of storms and hurricanes over the years, and there are always those who feel the need to steal during the lawlessness that follows. While you may feel like you… Read More »

Facing Fraud Charges in Florida After Hurricane Helene
After Hurricane Helene, the federal government warned affected residents to be wary of various scams – noting that flooding survivors are prime targets for various con artists. What happens if you were accused of participating in one of these fraudulent schemes? How can you avoid serious federal charges for fraud in Fort Myers? These… Read More »

What Is “Nolle Prosequi” in Naples, Florida?
The term “nolle prosequi” is Latin, and its rough translation is “not wanting to prosecute.” This may be a term that defendants hear during criminal proceedings, and it could be an extremely welcome phrase. Like all “legalese,” nolle prosequi seems more complex than it actually is. An experienced Fort Myers criminal defense attorney can… Read More »

Burglary vs. Theft in Fort Myers
To the average Fort Myers resident, burglary and theft might seem like interchangeable terms. Both words seem to indicate “unlawful taking,” and you might assume that they mean the same thing. However, Florida criminal courts make a clear distinction between burglary and theft. If you have been accused of either of these crimes, you… Read More »