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Should I Use an Expert Witness in a Fort Myers Criminal Trial?


Expert witnesses may appear in all kinds of trials, including civil divorce cases and employment lawsuits. If you face criminal charges in Fort Myers, however, you might be wondering if you can use an expert witness in your criminal trial. The answer depends entirely on your unique circumstances, and it is impossible to determine whether this is a viable strategy through online research alone. To discuss your unique situation and the prospect of an expert witness, consider an in-person, confidential consultation with a Fort Myers criminal defense lawyer.

Using a Psychology Expert to Determine Your Mental State 

Defense counsel often calls upon qualified psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals to testify about the mental state of the defendant. These experts might offer their opinion about a defendant’s current mental state, or they might opine on the defendant’s state of mind when they committed the alleged crime.

This type of expert testimony may be useful if the defendant plans to use the insanity defense. In certain circumstances, it might be possible to mitigate or avoid criminal consequences if you can establish you were mentally incapacitated at the time of the alleged crime. This defense strategy is highly situational, however, and it may not be suitable based on your unique circumstances.

Rebutting Expert Testimony Presented by the Prosecution 

Of course, the prosecution also has the right to call upon their own expert witnesses. These witnesses often provide opinions that are detrimental to your defense. They might also shed light upon technical issues in a way that paints you in a negative light. In this situation, it may make sense to call upon your own expert witness to provide another point of view.

For example, the prosecution might call upon a forensics expert. This forensic expert might offer an opinion that your firearm must have fired a bullet left at a crime scene. You may then call upon another forensic expert, and this expert might point out various flaws in the other expert’s reasoning.

Financial Experts May Be Useful in White-Collar Crime Defense 

Financial situations are often highly complex, and a white-collar defense strategy may benefit from the testimony of a financial expert. For example, an expert might testify that your alleged fraud was actually a common business practice in your specific industry or field. Speak with a lawyer to learn more about the role of expert witnesses in your defense strategy.

Where Can I Find an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Fort Myers? 

Fort Myers defense lawyers are relatively easy to find. You can schedule a consultation with The Foley & Wilson Law Firm at your earliest convenience, and this law firm has spent many years assisting defendants in Florida. During your first consultation, we can discuss whether an expert witness might be beneficial in your unique situation. Book a consultation today to get started with your defense strategy.



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