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Caught With Explosives in Fort Myers: What Are the Consequences?


As we approach the Fourth of July, many Fort Myers residents are undoubtedly gearing up for various fireworks displays. If you love fireworks, you might have been looking forward to this day for the entire year. However, it is important to recognize the thin line between fireworks and illegal explosives. If you are caught with illegal explosives in Fort Myers, you may face serious criminal consequences. Learn more about your legal options by contacting an experienced defense attorney today.

What Are the Firework Laws in Fort Myers? 

Mamy fireworks are legal in Florida, including most of the popular varieties. However, all personal fireworks have been banned on Fort Myers Beach. In addition, certain neighborhoods do not allow any fireworks whatsoever. You are probably not allowed to use fireworks in a HOA neighborhood.

Some types of fireworks are banned. These include anything with an “explosive compound.” This might seem nonsensical, as most fireworks contain some type of explosive compound. An even stricter regulation is a ban against any fireworks that detonate or explode. You might also face consequences for detonating unusually loud fireworks or those that contain “projectiles.”

There is also a limit of 100 grams of chemical compounds per firework. Both hand-held and ground-based fireworks are banned in Lee County. Here is a specific list of banned fireworks:

  • Firecrackers
  • Torpedoes
  • Roman candles
  • Skyrockets (also known as bottle rockets)
  • Daygo bombs

Here is a list of fireworks that are allowed:

  • Snakes
  • Smoke devices
  • Noisemakers
  • Party poppers
  • Booby traps
  • Snappers
  • Sparklers

Police Find Numerous Explosives in Fort Myers Residence 

Possessing explosives can be a serious criminal offense in Fort Myers. In June of 2024, News-Press reported that police had located a wide array of explosive components while searching a man’s home in Fort Myers. Detectives say that they found several hand grenades inside a toolbox. According to the bomb squad, these hand grenades were inactive but could have become usable “with only minor modifications.”

They also located several “mercury switches” in the residences, and these components can be used to prevent people from disabling explosives. Finally, they located explosive material packed with a “railroad torpedo.” A railroad torpedo contains an explosive element, and it may be legal to obtain in some cases. It is also commonly used by makers of homemade bombs.

As a result of this search, the man now faces charges of making destructive devices. Even if you never detonate or use the device, you could face a felony of the third degree of this offense – and up to five years in prison.

Find an Experienced Weapons Offense Lawyer in Fort Myers 

If you’re racing criminal consequences for possessing explosives, look no further than the Fort Myers federal criminal defense lawyers at the Foley & Wilson Law Firm. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants with various weapons offenses. We know that your criminal penalties may seem daunting – especially if you were merely trying to celebrate the Fourth of July. You are not alone in this legal battle. Contact us today to get started with an effective defense strategy.





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