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What Happens if You Make an Online Threat in Fort Myers?


Making an online threat is one of the most serious offenses you can commit in the digital world. Even though these threats might not be made in person, they can still elicit a strong response from the criminal justice system. In particular, juveniles who make threats against their schools face serious consequences. What exactly is an “electronic threat” in Fort Myers? What are the consequences, and how can you fight for your rights alongside a criminal defense attorney?

The “It’s No Joke” Campaign 

“It’s No Joke” is a campaign created by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, and it aims to spread awareness about the penalties for electronic threats. This is a response to an increase in online threats among juveniles, particularly involving their schools. Today, Florida youths are calling in bomb threats and threatening to shoot up their schools on an unprecedented level. The Department of Juvenile Justice stresses that these posts will lead to felony charges – even if they are made “in jest.”

Florida Statute 836.10 applies to people of all ages, and it makes threatening terrorist attacks or shootings a felony of the second degree. In other words, you could face up to 15 years in prison for joking about carrying out a terrorist attack in Florida.

Florida notes that these laws apply to virtually all forms of electronic communication. This includes not only social media platforms, but the comment sections of YouTube videos. You can also face consequences for posting threats on gaming servers – such as Discord. Even messages posted on anonymous message boards like 4chan could theoretically lead to felony charges.

Making a Threat Online Can Easily Become a Federal Crime 

An online threat may become a federal crime in Florida. If the “victim” is located in a different state, simply tagging them in an X post and threatening them could be enough to trigger federal charges. Generally speaking, penalties become much worse whenever a crime occurs across state lines. An electronic threat represents one of the easiest ways to commit a cross-border crime, and many defendants have faced serious consequences for this seemingly innocent “online trolling.” For example, you might threaten a politician based in Washington, DC.

 Find an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Fort Myers 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Fort Myers, look no further than The Foley & Wilson Law Firm. With our help, you can clear up this misunderstanding and mitigate penalties. We can also help parents whose minors have been charged with these felonies after threatening their schools. Reach out today to get started with an effective defense strategy.

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