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The Dangers of Losing Your Cool During a Criminal Trial in Florida


It is all too easy to “lose your cool” during a criminal trial in Florida. Although your criminal defense lawyer might instruct you to sit quietly and respect the court at all times, emotions often run high during these trials. It may be particularly difficult to restrain yourself if you’re facing a serious sentence. What happens when you disrespect the court? What if you assault a judge in Fort Myers? These can be very serious offenses in the Sunshine State.

Florida Woman Faces Consequences for “Outburst” During Sentencing Hearing 

In 2023, a woman received six years in prison for various felonies. Her prison term was partially caused by an unexpected outburst during her sentencing hearing. She had apparently decided not to follow a carefully prepared set of remarks – probably drafted by her lawyer. Instead of reading from these papers, she cast them aside and spent 15 minutes speaking in an improvised manner. She criticized the judge, the prosecutors, and various other parties involved in her case.

As a result of this outburst, the court did not apply its “customary federal court leniency” to someone who accepts responsibility. If she had simply expressed some degree of regret for her alleged crimes, she might have received a lesser sentence.

Assaulting a Judge or Prosecutor Leads to More Serious Consequences 

Assault or battery against a “judicial officer,” a state prosecutor, or a judge will lead to more serious consequences in Florida. These individuals are in a “protected class,” and anyone who assaults them will likely receive heightened sentences. There are also unique crimes associated with “threatening a public official,” which go beyond threats against average citizens.

What Happens if You Attack Your Own Defense Attorney? 

Interestingly, these heightened penalties do not apply to defense attorneys. Only state prosecutors and judges enjoy additional levels of legal protection from assaults and threats. If you assault your defense attorney during court, it is essentially the same as assaulting an average person.

This occurred in 2023 when a convicted murderer elbowed his own defense lawyer in the face in Florida. Assumedly, this individual was angry that his request for a new trial was dismissed by the judge.

Contempt of Court 

You might also be held in contempt of court if you disturb or obstruct court proceedings. This could be an angry outburst, failure to abide by the rules, or simply being impolite. Your lawyers can instruct you on how to behave in court. As we have seen, angry outbursts can have serious consequences during criminal trials – and it’s best to remain calm and professional if you want to pursue positive results.

Work With The Foley & Wilson Law Firm 

If you’re facing charges for assaulting a judicial officer, you should get in touch with an experienced Fort Myers criminal defense lawyer right away. With help from one of these legal professionals, you can push back against excessive penalties and pursue positive outcomes. Reach you today to get started with an effective defense strategy.



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