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Penalties for Attacking Foreign Embassies in Florida


Recently, a man from Florida faced serious penalties for attacking a Chinese embassy. What happens if you commit a crime like this? Which country has jurisdiction, and which laws apply? These are perhaps rare questions in the world of criminal defense, as few people will ever attempt to attack such a closely guarded installation. However, this story sheds light on just how serious the consequences can be if you commit vandalism or property destruction in the wrong areas – and under the wrong circumstances.

Florida Man Pleads Guilty After Attacking Chinese Embassy 

In August of 2024, a Florida man admitted that he had attempted to attack a Chinese embassy in the United States. He also admitted to bombing statutes outside of a public building in Texas. The individual in question agreed that a sentence of 7-10 years would be appropriate. He was charged with three crimes: Damaging property occupied by a foreign government, damaging federal property with explosives, and possessing an unregistered firearm.

So how exactly did this individual manage to attack a Chinese embassy? He started by depositing a backpack filled with explosives outside the embassy. Next, he attempted to detonate the explosive by hitting it with a rifle round. However, he allegedly missed his target – and he seems to have fled before taking a second shot.

A year prior, this individual exhibited better marksmanship when he struck two canisters outside a San Antonio public building. He had placed the canisters beneath two statues: One of Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. After striking the canisters with his rifle rounds, an explosion occurred and caused unspecified damage to the statutes.

Damaging Property Occupied by a Foreign Government 

According to U.S. Code 970, you can face up to five years in prison for “willfully damaging” any property within the USA but utilized or occupied by a foreign government. This could be an embassy, but the definition could be quite vague.

Note that you can only face consequences for this offense if you “willingly” or “intentionally” cause damage to an embassy. In other words, accidental damage is not necessarily illegal. You cannot face penalties for accidentally crashing into a foreign embassy. If you intentionally ram your vehicle into an embassy, however, you might face various consequences.

Do Foreign Laws Apply Within Embassies?

International law is quite complex, and you could face penalties for laws that don’t even exist in the United States if you commit crimes within an embassy. That being said, the aforementioned defendant was never tried in China for Chinese crimes, so this gives you some insight into which laws apply in these situations.

Find an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Myers 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced Fort Myers criminal defense lawyer, look no further than The Foley & Wilson Law Firm. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants – including those facing serious penalties for property destruction and vandalism. We know how serious the consequences can be for these crimes – especially if you commit them in a foreign embassy. If you need help defending yourself against excessive penalties, reach out and book a consultation today.




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