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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Hiring Hitmen in Fort Myers: What Are the Penalties?

By Foley & Wilson |

The word “assassin” stems from the Arabic word “hashashim,” and the original “hitmen” of the ancient world lived in Persia during the time of the Crusades. People have been hiring each other to carry out murder for thousands of years, and this practice is alive and well in the modern era. Whether you hire… Read More »

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Recent Examples of White-Collar Crime in Florida

By Foley & Wilson |

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, white-collar crime is generally non-violent and involves some form of corruption. Due to the varied nature of business and politics, there is an almost limitless number of white-collar crimes to consider. As the financial and business world evolves, new types of white-collar crimes arise. However, all white-collar… Read More »

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Bench Trials vs. Jury Trials in Federal Criminal Cases

By Foley & Wilson |

In many federal criminal cases, defendants exercise the right to waive a jury trial. If they take this course of action, they may move forward with a bench trial. If you are faced with this decision while facing a federal charge in Fort Myers, you might be wondering about the differences between these two… Read More »

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What Happens During a Grand Jury Hearing in Florida?

By Foley & Wilson |

If you’re approaching a felony charge in Florida, you may encounter the term “Grand Jury” for the first time. What exactly is a “Grand Jury,” and how can it affect your criminal case? The best way to answer this question is to consult with an experienced drug crime lawyer in Fort Myers. What Is… Read More »

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Can You Go to Jail for Calling 911 in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

All Fort Myers residents understand that if they ever face emergencies, they can call 911 for help. Unfortunately, you can face penalties for “misusing” the emergency line – even if you genuinely needed help from first responders. The penalties can be surprisingly severe – especially if you commit this offense repeatedly over the course… Read More »

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Florida “Underage Sex Sting” Ensnares Pro Athlete

By Foley & Wilson |

Soliciting sex is a serious offense in and of itself, but the penalties are much more severe if you solicit sex from a minor in Fort Myers. A recent “underage sex sting” in Florida has ensnared many defendants – including former pro athletes. If you face accusations of this nature, it makes sense to… Read More »

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